#! META name: fortinet-get-system-performance-status description: run "get system performance status" on Fortigate firewall type: monitoring monitoring_interval: 1 minute requires: vendor: fortinet os.name: FortiOS product: firewall #! COMMENTS memory-usage: why: | If the firewall memory becomes fully utilized, performance may be impacted and traffic may be dropped. It is critical to monitor the memory usage and handle the issue prior to full utilization. how: | indeni uses the built-in Fortigate "get system performance status" command to retreive the usage of the kernel memory. without-indeni: | An administrator could login and manually run the command. can-with-snmp: false can-with-syslog: false vendor-provided-management: | Listing the memory is only available from the command line interface. #! REMOTE::SSH get system performance status #! PARSER::AWK BEGIN { } /Memory states/ { usage=substr($3, 1, length($3)-1) #writeDebug(usage) writeDoubleMetric("memory-usage", null, "gauge", "60", usage) } END { }